San Francisco County





L. Schwarzschild, a member of the firm of Feigenbaum & Co., 520 to 526  Market street, San Francisco, represents the wholesale fancy goods and toy interest of the Pacific coast.   The firm is composed of  Messrs.  B. and  J.  Feigenbaum  and  Schwarzschild, all natives of Germany. The co-partnership was formed and house established on July 1, 1869, by purchasing a small outfit on Battery street, where they remained until 1874.  At that time, needing greater capacity, they purchased a seven-story building, 30 x 90 feet, on Sansome street, and there conducted their interests until 1883, when, needing still greater space, they sold their store and moved to their present spacious rooms at 520 and 526 Market street.  Here their main salesroom has an area of  60 x 165 feet;  the basement is 60 x 165 feet, and besides these they have three other floors, all of which are well stocked with toys, Yankee notions, smokers’ articles, stationary, willow-ware and musical instruments. Forty-one hands are employed in conducting the several departments of the business.  Their territory covers the Pacific coast States, Idaho, Arizona, New Mexico, Mexico and the Sandwich Islands.  Their territory is extended because all goods are of European manufacture.  The business is difficult of successful management on account of the great distance from market, the bulky goods, the heavy rates by freight, shipments by water necessarily taking months in transit, etc.  The peculiar features of the business require special knowledge and adaptability.  Several houses have failed, while this establishment has pushed steadily forward, its success being largely due to the efficient management of Mr. L. Schwarzschild, who had eight years’ experience in the business prior to the establishing of this house.

He was born at Frankfort-on-the-Main, in 1841, and at the age of fifteen years began his mercantile life.  He was first employed in a cloth factory, and subsequently as traveling salesman for hop and wine establishments of France, where he resided from boyhood.  He came to California in 1861, and entered the toy house of  Thurnauer & Finn, importers and dealers, with whom he learned the intricate business.   He is now considered one of the best judges of toys in this country, and is frequently appealed to by the customhouse authorities to fix valuations upon importations.  Mr. Schwarzschild makes an annual trip to Europe, visiting England, France, Germany, Italy and Switzerland, purchasing from the several manufacturers such an assortment as his trade demands, consuming about five months on each trip.

Mr. Schwarzschild was married in San Francisco,  in 1867,  to Miss Amelia Ochs, a native of Frankfort-on-the-Main, and to them have been born five daughters, viz.: Alice, now Mrs. M. S. Hellman, of Los Angeles,  and Leontine, Adele, Jennie and Flora.

He is a member of the A. O. U. W. and several benevolent societies.


Messrs. Feigenbaum came to this State in 1857, and settled in Humboldt county, where they engaged in a general merchandise business until 1869.     They are both married and have sons growing up in the business with them.


This firm is the only wholesale toy establishment on the Pacific coast, and, with an annual business of about $500,000, enjoys an extended patronage.


Transcribed by Walt Howe. 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, pages 14-15, Lewis Publishing Co., 1892.

© 2005 Walt Howe.



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