San Francisco County






MARTIN SCHULTZ, of San Francisco, was born in the year 1848, at Dantzig, Germany, where at an early age he showed a strong inclination for music and began taking lessons, receiving his entire musical education in his native country.  He began teaching there at the age of eighteen, and a few years later, in 1869, came to this country, meeting his parents, who had preceded him the year previous, in Chicago, Illinois.  Here Mr. Schultz joined the faculty of the Chicago Musical College, under the well-known Dr. Ziegfeld, and officiated as organist in some of the leading churches.

      He was in Chicago during the great fire of 1871 and in the following year, owing to the fact that the rest of his family changed their residence to San Francisco, concluded to accompany them and has since then, during the past nineteen years, been prominently identified with the musical interests on the Pacific coast.

      Mr. Schultz enjoys an enviable reputation as an organist and choirmaster, and immediately after coming to this city was elected organist of the Howard Street Methodist Episcopal Church, succeeding the well-known musician, Mr. Frank Gilder, who returned East.

      Two years later, on the completion of the new organ of the Metropolitan Baptist Church, at that time the largest and finest organ on the coast, Mr. Schultz was engaged as organist there, remaining until a short time before that church went out of existence, about three years.

      We next find him organist and choirmaster of the Church of the Advent (Episcopal) for five years and of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church for four years, for which latter church he procured through his personal efforts in soliciting subscriptions the magnificent organ which still assists in the services, a lasting memento of his work in that church.

      About the time of the organization of a boy choir in this church, Mr. Schultz left it and returned to Howard Street Methodist Episcopal Church, where he now is.

      Besides his church work, Mr. Schultz devotes his time to giving instruction on the piano and organ, in voice culture and harmony; was for a number of years conductor of the Apollo Glee Society, and is now conducting the San Francisco Choral Society; he is in love with his profession and noted for his readiness to render assistance to worthy objects.  In his musical career Mr. Schultz has been materially assisted by his wife, a lady of rare musical attainments and social charms, gifted with a voice peculiarly adapted to sacred music.  Mrs. Schultz no doubt is the most successful exponent of her husband’s method of teaching, and has held the position of solo soprano in most of the churches where he has served as organist, and now holds it in the choir of the First Congregational Church of Oakland, one of the largest churches on the coast, and noted for its fine music.


Transcribed by Donna L. Becker. 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, pages 459-460, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Donna L. Becker.




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