Louis Schmidt

Louis Schmidt, who has been identified with the musical profession of San Francisco for the past thirty years, is a native of Germany.  He was reared and educated in his native country, where he also began the study of music at an early age.  After completing his course there he came to New York, and for several years held the position of organist in one of the leading churches of that city.  He came to California in 1861, where, for the past thirty years, he has been identified with the musical interests of this city, and during this time has filled the position of organist in the Grace Church, Trinity Church and Church of the Advent.  For the past ten years he has held the position of organist in the First Unitarian Church, and for over twenty years organist at the Jewish Synagogue, and during this time he has also been engaged in teaching music.  He was director of the German Singing Society for some years, and was also connected with other musical organizations.

     Mr. Schmidt has four children, one daughter and three sons, all of whom are accomplished musicians.  They received their education in Germany, at the Leipsic Conservatory of Music, and have given subscription concerts for several seasons.  The youngest son is the leading violinist in the Grand German Opera at the new Metropolitan Opera House.  Professor Schmidt has visited Europe several times during his residence in this city.


Transcribed 10-10-04  Marilyn R. Pankey. 


Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 540-541, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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