Simon C. Scheeline, San Francisco attorney, who retired after nearly forty years of active membership in the California bar, has been a resident of the state sixty years.

He was born at Woodbury, in Bedford County, Pennsylvania, December 31, 1853, son of Nathan and Jeanette (Newhouse) Scheeline, both natives of Bavaria. Nathan Scheeline came to America when a boy, and in 1855 he came alone to California, locating in Sierra County. His family followed him in 1856, coming by way of Panama and Aspinwall. Nathan Scheeline for half a century or more was a resident of San Francisco, and active in its business and civic affairs, though the only office he ever held was school director. He died in 1917, when ninety years of age, while his good wife passed away in 1872.

Simon C. Scheeline was educated in the grammar and high schools of San Francisco, and then entered the University of California, from which he received his Bachelor of Arts degree with the class of 1874. While at the university he was also given a commission as second lieutenant of the National Guard of California. After graduating he went East, attended the Columbia Law School in New York, and was graduated with the Bachelor of Arts degree in 1876. After two years in new York he returned to San Francisco and handled a large volume of law practice until he retired in 1913. His firm was Rosenbaum and Scheeline. He became a recognized authority on all legal matters affecting bond issues, specializing somewhat in that branch of the law, though a large part of his practice was in probate and corporation law.

Mr. Scheeline has many property and other interests in San Francisco, and has served as a director on a number of corporations. He is affiliated with Bay City Lodge No. 171, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, is a member of Golden Gate Council of the National Union, the Chamber of Commerce, Beresford County Club, Argonaut Club, San Francisco Bar Association, and the Federation of Jewish Charities and the constituent associations all now centered in the Community Chest. In his early manhood he took an active part in San Francisco politics, though never was a candidate.

Mr. Scheeline married in San Francisco, October 2, 1895, Miss Belle Claire Fleishhacker. Mr. Scheeline is a director of and takes an active part in the affairs of Mount Zion Hospital. They have one child, Claire S., wife of Walter S. Heller, in the investment bond business, with the firm of Heller, Bruce & Company.


Transcribed by Elaine Sturdevant


Source: "The San Francisco Bay Region" Vol. 3 page 242 by Bailey Millard. Published by The American Historical Society, Inc. 1924.

© 2004 Elaine Sturdevant.


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