San Francisco County








JOHN A. SCHMIDT, a California Pioneer was born in Germany, July 31, 1824. He was educated in his native land, and immigrated to Charleston, South Carolina, in 1845; for three and a half years he was employed as a clerk in that city, and in April, 1849, he made a journey to California, coming by way of Cape Horn; he arrived November 5, 1849. For three months he devoted himself to the musical profession, and afterwards he under took any duty that presented himself as it was the fashion in those days to engage in any honest labor. In 1850 he embarked in the mercantile business, but the fabulous stories of gold-mining so excited his imagination that he turned his attention to that industry. Only to be disappointed in the results. He next engaged as a clerk, and received $150 per month as a salary. The next enterprise of his own in which he became interested was the fruit business, and the fire of May, 1851, swept away his little accumulations. He had just recovered from this disaster and was nicely started again when the fire of June, 1851 came and burned him out the second time. In partnership with two other gentlemen he leased the ground and erected three stores which a third fire destroyed; he was, however not damaged in this conflagration. He afterwards removed to 134 Clay Street and remained there until 1858. During the Fraser river excitement he went to Ft. Hope and opened a store there, but in a year everyone came away, so he returned to San Francisco and engaged in the real estate business which he has pursued successfully since that time. In 1859 he went to Europe on a visit, and returned to San Francisco the following year. He is now the owner of several valuable pieces of city property, and has been an ardent supporter of home interests.

      Mr. Schmidt was married in 1860 to Miss Elizabeth Weyman, a native of his own country. They have had born to them ten children, six of whom are still living, all residents and natives of this city and well settled in business. In his political opinions Mr. Schmidt affiliates with the Republican Party. He is a member of the Pioneer Society, and belongs to several German societies. He was one of the organizers of the Home Loan Society. He is highly respected by a wide circle of acquaintances, and regarded as one of the most worthy citizens of San Francisco



Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 534, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Kim Buck.


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