San Francisco County









      Dr. Henry James Sartori, a most reputable member of the medical profession of San Francisco, with offices at 1606 Stockton street, was born in Duncan Mills, Sonoma county, California, April 14, 1871, and is a son of Beneditto and Jovana (Delnotaro) Sartori. Beneditto Sartori was a civil engineer by profession, and came to the state of California in the late ‘60s. He substituted as a teacher at Santa Clara College in order to acquire a knowledge of the English language, and afterward went to Sonoma county, where he bought land and improved several ranches. His land holdings also extended into Marin county. He was a very successful Italian citizen, and was respected and honored during his entire career. He died very suddenly in Bartlett Springs, California, in 1877. His widow later married his brother, who continued the ranching on the Sartori estates. Mrs. Sartori is now living (1931) at the age of ninety-two years, and is the oldest native of Switzerland residing in California.

      Dr. Sartori attended the grade and high schools and subsequently entered Santa Clara College, from which institution he received the Bachelor of Science degree in 1891. He then took up the study of his chosen profession at Cooper Medical College in San Francisco, and received the degree of Doctor of Medicine in the year 1893. Wishing to augment his medical education, he then did three years’ postgraduate work at the University of Rome, in Italy, under the tutelage of Professor Novarro, and also added three years of interneship in the old country. In 1896 he returned to San Francisco, where he established himself in the practice of his profession, and has continued with marked success to the present time. For seven years Dr. Sartori was the head of the medical staff of St. Joseph’s Hospital in San Francisco, and he is a member of the San Francisco, the California State, and the American Medical Associations. In addition to his practice, Dr. Sartori owns and operates a two-hundred-acre fruit ranch at St. Helena, Napa county, California, and on this attractive property he passes all his available spare time.

      Dr. Sartori was united in marriage to Miss Ida I. Sanbarboro, who was born in the city of San Francisco. The Doctor is a member of the Olympic Club of his home city, and in public affairs he has always shown as fine spirit of cooperation. He is known as a physician of modern practices, uncommonly intelligent and trained in the science of medicine, and as a consequence he has built up a clientele of most satisfying proportions in the bay district.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages 465-466.

© 2008 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County