Michael SANOR


Michael SANOR was founder of one of the pioneers of the San Francisco Bay district.  A number of his descendants still live in and around San Francisco.  One of them is his granddaughter, Mrs. Emma Gummer O’DONNELL, at 1374 Fulton Street.


Michael SANOR was a native of Pennsylvania, and moved from there to Ohio and then to Missouri, and in 1849 set out with wagons and ox teams to California, Sacramento being his destination, though on his arrival he settled in the Santa Clara Valley and took up land.  He was one of the pioneer agriculturists in that wonderfully fertile district.  The party were on the way across the plains four months, experiencing no danger from the Indians, and the daughters rode ponies all the way.  Michael SANOR finally sold his ranch in the Santa Clara Valley and lived retired.  His first house was built of hewed logs, and later he had a house sent around the Horn by ship, and it was put together in Santa Clara.


Michael SANOR married a widow, Sina FRAKES, who was a descendant of Italian nobility.  She had two sons by her former marriage.  The eight children of Michael SANOR were: Frank, who was killed by cattle thieves in 1851; Michael, a farmer, deceased; Jackson, a retired farmer; Van Buren, deceased, who was also engaged in farming; Polly, deceased;

Sophia, who married James WILLIAMS, who came across the plains with the SANOR family and was a contractor; Isabelle, who married George W. OLDHAM, a farmer and Sarah Frances.

Sarah Frances, the youngest child, became the wife of Samuel P.  GUMMER.  Mr. GUMMER was born in Brunswick, Maine, came to California in 1850, was in the undertaking business in San Francisco and subsequently a contractor at Santa Clara.  He spent his last years in San Francisco, where he died.  His widow, Mrs. Sarah F. GUMMER, is now eighty-four years of age and is one of the three original charter members of the Association of Pioneer Women.

Mrs. GUMMER was the mother of ten children, seven of whom reached mature years. James J., a cattle rancher of Trinity Country, California; Everett E., head of the San Jose Undertaking Company; Lillian, widow of H.F. PRIEN, and since his death continuing the business founded as an importer at San Francisco; Sadie, wife of J.J. STEPHENS, of San Francisco; Frank A., a furniture merchant at Stockton; Grace, wife of Robert E. REID, in the automobile business at Santa Ana; and Emma.


Emma GUMMER, granddaughter of Michael SANOR, is the widow of Dr. C.C. O’DONNELL.  Doctor O’DONNELLcame to San Francisco in 1850.  He was a native of Baltimore.  For a time he was in the mining district at Mokdumne [Mokelumne] Hill, later at Sacramento, then at Santa Cruz, and after locating in San Francisco continued the active work of his profession until he retired.  He was prominent in the political field and served for two years, 1884-6, as coroner of the City and County of San Francisco.  He was the independent candidate for mayor against Mayor ELLERT, making a very strong fight and polling almost a winning vote.  He was a member of the constitutional convention of 1878.  Mrs. Emma GUMMER O’DONNELL is an active member of the Association of Pioneer Women, a charter member and past president of Buena Vista Parlor No. 68, Native Daughters of the Golden West, President’s Assembly, Glenellen Woman’s Improvement Club, was the founder and is president of the Bertola Assembly of California Women, California Club, of which she has served two years as secretary of the social science department, and at present is chairman of the department.  She is also a member of the civic section of this club and is taking an active part in all matters relating to public improvement.


Transcribed by Deana Schultz.

Source: "The San Francisco Bay Region" Vol. 3 page 267-268 by Bailey Millard. Published by The American Historical Society, Inc. 1924.

© 2004 Deana Schultz.


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