San Francisco County







JUDGE AUSTIN C. SANDERSON was born in New York, January 4, 1848.  He is an American in every sense of the word, his ancestry dating back more than 200 years among the Puritans who settled in western Massachusetts and in the valley of the Connecticut in early colonial days.  He received his education at the public schools and in special schools of instruction.  He removed to New Jersey twenty-five years ago and was admitted to the bar in the Supreme Court of that State about fifteen years since.  He has practiced law in San Francisco for the past ten years and upward as a member of the firm of Campbell & Sanderson, and is well and favorably known among the legal fraternity and business men here, and is justly regarded as an attorney of high legal attainments, energy and industry and of irreproachable character, and a gentlemen of genial and affable manners.

      Judge Sanderson enjoys the distinguished honor of being, with one exception, the only Democrat elected to a municipal office at the late election, and the only judicial nominee elected on the Democratic ticket in the city.  His support came from the best elements among the electors regardless of party, and his election under the circumstances, when his party met such an overwhelming and crushing defeat, both in city and State, is a compliment of the highest character.



Transcribed by Joyce and David Rugeroni.

Source: “The Bay of San Francisco,” Vol. 2, Pages 370-371, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Joyce & David Rugeroni.




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