San Francisco County






     FLETCHER F. RYER is a native son, born in this State of parents who were old and honored citizens.  His father, Dr. W. M. Ryer, a prominent physician and an honored citizen, came here in 1849, and is still a resident here, though at present in Europe.  Mr. Ryer was reared and attended school here, and he also attended the University of California.  After completing his preparatory course he entered Harvard College and graduated in the class of 1883.  He studied law, taking a course at the Columbia Law School, and was admitted to the bar in 1885, and since has successfully practiced his profession here.  While engaged in general civil practice he has given much attention to reclamation of lands on the Sacramento river, and is President of the Board of Trustees of Reclamation District No. 501.  While connected with several college societies he is not prominently identified with fraternal organizations, devoting his whole time to the interests of his profession.

Transcribed 8-6-05  Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 263, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Marilyn R. Pankey.




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