C. S. Rouse

C. S. Rouse is a native of New York, and was reared and educated in the Empire State.  In early life he prepared himself for the stage. He came to the Pacific coast in 1849 and for fifteen years was connected with the dramatic profession here.  Then he became a stage artist, engaged in painting, and for years devoted his time to the production of designs for spectacular plays and stage effect. He originated designs for great spectacular productions in New York, which were pronounced a great success.  For the past twenty years he has given much thought and devoted much time in producing and perfecting designs for a great masterpiece of spectacular production, which will be the work of his life.

     Mr. Rouse is assisted in his profession by his son, A. F. Rouse, who inherits his father's taste and genius for art and is associated with him in business.  He has developed marked talent and displayed great taste in his original designs for steel-plate work for all kinds of fine illustrations for commercial work, and has also made a number of very creditable landscape pieces, indicating taste and ability.



Transcribed 10-7-04  Marilyn R. Pankey


Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 533, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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