San Francisco County








ROTHSCHILD, JOSEPH, Attorney at Law, San Francisco, California, was born in that city October 5, 1857, the son of Henry Rothschild and Hannah (Mossheim) Rothschild.  He married Hannah K. Tauber at Cincinnati, Ohio, July 31, 1907.

      Mr. Rothschild received his preliminary education in the public schools of San Francisco and was graduated from California State University.  He then entered Yale University and was graduated in the class of 1879.  His college career was characterized by an unusual popularity and at the conclusion of his course he was voted the most popular member of his class, being presented with the Scales of Justice, an honor peculiar to Yale.

      Following his graduation, Mr. Rothschild was admitted to practice by the Supreme Court of Connecticut, but did not enter upon his career there, returning shortly afterward to San Francisco, where he was admitted by the Supreme Court of California.  In 1895, when he had attained a position among the leading attorneys of the West, he was admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of the United States.

      Mr. Rothschild’s career in the legal profession has been one of uninterrupted success, marked at frequent intervals with brilliant victories in the courts of California and the United States.  He has practiced in all branches of civil law, but from the beginning of his career made a specialty of commercial litigation and in this latter field is recognized as one of the leading authorities.  His clientele is made up of some of the largest and most important mercantile houses of the Coast, many of which he has represented for twenty years.

      In March of 1911, the law firm of Rothschild, Rosenheim, Schooler & Miller was formed, he being the senior member.

      In his professional work, Mr. Rothschild is noted for his clear analyses of problems involved in litigation and for the absence of decorative phraseology in his pleadings.  His arguments are confined to facts, delivered in clear, concise language, devoid of bombast.  To his simple, but forceful oratory and the extraordinary power of logic he possesses, is attributed a great deal of his success.

      His professional career has been one of almost ceaseless activity, but withal Mr. Rothschild has been a public-spirited citizen, interested at all times in the growth and advancement of his city.  In 1906, when San Francisco was bowed by calamity and gripped by chaos, Mr. Rothschild was one of the first men to start upon the work of rebuilding which has placed a new city, within a few years, on the site of the ruins.  He was one of the moving factors in the organization of the South of Market Street Improvement Association, which played an important part in the rejuvenation of the flame-swept district, and has served as President since its organization.

      He serves as a member of the Executive Committee of the San Francisco Civic League and the Greater San Francisco Committee and is Vice President of the Exposition Committee of Improvement Clubs.  In all of these bodies Mr. Rothschild is an enthusiastic worker.

      He was elected and served as a member of the San Francisco board of Education in 1889 and 1890.  He served as President of the Democratic County Committee, and as Vice President and Acting Chairman, State Central Committee from 1902 to 1906.

      As one of the leading Jewish citizens of San Francisco, Mr. Rothschild has been honored by his people on frequent occasions by election to positions of trust.  He is Past President of the Independent Order B’nai B’rith, Past President of the Unity Lodge, B’nai B’rith; Past President of the Free Sons of Israel, Past President of the Board of relief, B’nai B’rith, and ex-Vice President of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association.  He went as a Delegate of the district to the Constitution Grand Lodge, B’nai B’rith, the International Congress of the Order at Richmond, Virginia, in June, 1890, and was there elected Judge of the Court of Appeals of the Constitution Grand Lodge, B’nai B’rith, and in May, 1895, at Cincinnati, Ohio, was re-elected.  He served in this office ten years in all, and also has served for ten years as President of the B’nai B’rith Hall Association.

      He devotes time to business interests, being a stockholder or officer in various enterprises.

      He is a member of San Francisco Lodge, Royal Arch Masons; Doric Lodge, No 216, F. & A. M.; Native Sons of the Golden West (ex-Pres.); Golden Shore Council, No 5, United Friends of the Pacific (ex-Pres.); the Yale club and Concordia Club.




Transcribed by Betty Vickroy.

Source: Press Reference Library, Western Edition Notables of the West, Vol. I,  Page 322, International News Service, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston, Atlanta.  1913.

© 2007 Betty Vickroy.


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