San Francisco County






      PIETRO C. ROSSI, pharmacist, at 318 Montgomery avenue, is the sole architect of his fortunes. He came to San Francisco with limited means and unaided by influence; but, inspired by a worthy ambition, through diligence and persevering effort he has brought about the success which he now enjoys. He was born at Dogliani, near Turin, Italy, where he passed his boyhood days. At the age of fifteen years he entered the University of Turin from which he was graduated before he was twenty. He made a special study of chemistry and pharmacy, and after college hours he was with a leading druggist of Turin. After his graduation in 1875 he determined to begin his business career in San Francisco, where his uncle, Mr. Sabaldano, then resided. This gentleman was also a druggist, and the nephew was connected with him three years, acquiring a knowledge of the English language and learning the customs of the American people. In January, 1878, he entered into partnership with Mr. Steylaars, who had been established in the drug business since 1870. This relationship continued until 1882, when Mr. Rossi purchased the entire interest and has since conducted the store alone. He is agent for Grimault & Co., the leading drug house of Paris, and he makes a specialty of his French, Italian and German importations. In 1881 he was one of the incorporators of the Italian-Swiss Agricultural Colony, a well-known organization at Asti, Sonoma county, California, with a capital stock of $300,000. He was elected president of the company in 1887, and is the present incumbent of the office. The colony has erected one of the most complete wineries in the State, with a carrying capacity of 1,500,000 gallons; two blending tanks have a capacity of 24,000 gallons each, and 100 men are employed on the place. Mr. Rossi is one of the largest stockholders, and is deeply interested in the success of the enterprise.

      He was united in marriage, in 1880, in the city of San Francisco, to Miss Emily Caire, a daughter of Justin Caire. Seven children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Rossi, only four of whom are living; Marie, Robert and Edmund (twins), and Albine. Mr. Rossi has made some profitable investments in real estate, and owns his residence at 716 Union street and other improved and unimproved property. He is not a member of any secret orders, but belongs to several benevolent societies; for five years he was president of the Bersaglieri and the Garibaldi Societies, is a director of the Italian-Swiss Mutual Loan Society, and is treasurer of the Chamber of Commerce. He has been a member of the Board of Pharmacy, a director of the Pharmaceutical College, and a director of the French Savings Bank.


Transcribed by Elaine Sturdevant.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pages 540-541, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Elaine Sturdevant.


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