San Francisco County









Among members of the bar of California who have fully obeyed the demands placed upon them by so important and exacting a profession as that of the law, is Albert A. Rosenshine, of San Francisco. He has been engaged in legal activity in that city for more than 20 years, and has earned a splendid reputation for ability and integrity.


Mr. Rosenshine is a native son of the state of California, and was born in 1882 at San Francisco. He received his early educational training in public schools of that city, then entered the University of California, which conferred on him the degree of B. L. in 1904. His legal training was obtained in the office of J. B. Reinstein and at Hastings College of the Law, from which he graduated with the LL. B. degree in 1906.


Upon his admission to the California bar, Mr. Rosenshine engaged in the general practice of law in association with Mr. Reinstein, continuing until the death of the latter in 1911. Since that date he has practiced individually, specializing in corporation and banking law and building up a large clientage of important character. He is Counsel for the California State Banking Department, which involves a vast amount of work and a thorough knowledge of banking law.


Mr. Rosenshine holds membership in the American Bar Association, State Bar of California and the Bar Association of San Francisco, as well as other organizations. He is also a Mason, being a member of Doric Lodge No. 216, F. & A. M., and the San Francisco Scottish Rite. In 1914 he married Irene C. Flannery.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: "American Blue Book California Lawyers" by H. James Boswell, Page 130, Produced by H. James Boswell, 1928.

© 2008 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.








California Biography Project


San Francisco County