San Francisco County







LUDWIG van BEETHOVEN ROSENBERG , the leading music publisher of San Francisco, has for several years been prominent in music-publishing circles. The first works in this line were done early in the ‘60s by Salvatore Rosa, who in a few years was followed by Andrew Kohler (now Kohler & Chase), M. Gray and William A. Frey. Later in the ‘60s came Aug. A. Rosenberg and Blackmar. These were following in the ‘70s by McCurry & Weber, Sherman & Hyde, George W. Hagan, Bancroft, Knight & Co., and J. L. A. Broderson & Co. In 1886 Mr. Rosenberg became identified with the business, and in 1889 J. P. Broder & Co. was added to the list. At the same time C. B. Chase established the first band and orchestra catalogue. These three last mentioned firms are now engaged in the publication of music, with Mr. Rosenberg doing the leading business.

      Ludwig van Beethoven Rosenberg was born in Jersey City, New Jersey, in 1862, and is a son of Aug. A. Rosenberg, a prominent music teacher who came to the Pacific coast in 1856. His house is fully equipped with printing and binding facilities. His catalogue comprises select numbers from many leading composers, among which are the famous “Baby Lullaby,” the “Alliance March,” Bishop’s “Unforgotten,” the Kentucky Jubilee Singers’ Schottische, the “Military,” and many others worthy of mention. Mr. Rosenberg has displayed a marked degree of musical taste, and his ability and enterprise are recognized and heartily appreciated by the musical profession. He is known professionally as L. Budd Rosenberg.


Transcribed by Donna L. Becker.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pages 455-456, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Donna L. Becker.




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