San Francisco County






C.A. Rogers, an artist of San Francisco, was born in New Haven, Connecticut, in 1848, the son of New England parents.  During early childhood he went to Brooklyn, New York, where he was reared and educated.  While quite small he developed a taste for drawing, and early commenced to take lessons in that branch of art.  He subsequently went abroad and continued the pursuit of his studies in Germany, Italy and France, receiving instructions from some of the best teachers in Europe.  On his return to Brooklyn he opened a studio in New York city, and afterward one in Chicago.  Seeking a more congenial climate, he came to California in 1877 and located in San Francisco.

            In his portfolios and on the walls of his studio in the Flood Building are many of his sketches and finished works that have received favorable mention from artists and art critics.  Among his many subjects and noted works are: “Lake Lugano,” “Scene in Frascate,” “Street in Ancient Tiber,” “A Covered Street in Florence.”  Several Italian subjects recently sold by him brought good prices.

            Mr. Rogers is versatile with brush and pencil painting, both in oil and water colors, filling many orders for portrait work as well as landscape, and has done much in crayon, pastel and water colors.  The qualities in which Mr. Rogers excels in his work is composition, light and shade.  He has a passion for brilliant effects of color, which he renders with rare skill.


Transcribed by Terry Smith.


Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, page 15, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Terry Smith.





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