San Francisco County








L. H. ROETHE was born in the city of Shasta California, in 1860, his parents being pioneers on this coast. His father, Christian Roethe, a druggist, was born in Germany and came here in 1849.  He was a passenger in the first German barque that entered San Francisco Bay. The subject of our Sketch was reared and attended school in his native State, and in early life showed a taste for drawing. He entered the Art Institute in this city when it was first opened, and after several years of study, went to Europe. Becoming a student in the Academy of Art at Munich, Germany. There for several years he applied himself closely to his studies, and in 1885 returned to this city, since which time he has devoted himself to the interests of his profession, his specialty being portrait work.




Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 627, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2007 Kim Buck.


California Biography Project


San Francisco County


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Golden Nugget Library