San Francisco County






PROF. JOSEPH ROECKEL was born in Paris, France, and at an early age began the study of music in his native city, pursuing his studies in the Paris Conservatory of music. After this he perfected himself with Delsarte and Garcia in lyrical declamation and singing, and Raff in instrumentation composition. After making a concert tour around the world, Professor Roeckel located to San Francisco in 1876. and since that time has been identified with the musical profession in this city. He established his vocal conservatory here, and the methods employed in his school have given it a well deserved reputation. The Professor is ably assisted in his work by Madame Ellen Coursen Roeckel, his estimable and talented wife. She is a native of Sacramento, and received her vocal and stage education under the instructions of her husband. She has attained signal success as an operatic and concert singer, and many of the best local vocalists have received all of their musical schooling from her.

      Their new rooms in the Donohoe Building, corner of Taylor and Market streets, are complete in their appointments and well adapted for the demands of their classes. Professor Roeckel has also made a reputation with his multitude of composition.


Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pages 518-519, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Kim Buck.


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