San Francisco County








MRS. ELIZABETH A. ROCKWELL, who for many years has done much to advance the interests of art in this city, is a native of New York. Her Parents were natives of the Empire State. Her grandfather Rockwell was a soldier and was wounded in the war of 1812. Mrs. Rockwell received her education in her native State, and developed a taste for drawing during early childhood. She painted a picture when only eight years of age. This is yet in the possession of the family and carefully preserved. She completed her education at the Troy Conference Academy, Fulton, Vermont, taking great interest in her study of drawing and painting.

      In 1868 she went to Europe, studied in Brussels, the Flemish School under Professor Francois, and visited various parts of Europe, pursuing her art studies several years. She returned to New York in 1871, and two years later came to San Francisco. For the past nineteen years she has devoted her whole time and energy to the interests of her profession, giving special attention to portrait and figure painting. For her first portrait, that of a well known society lady, she received very favorable criticism. In 1875 she painted several horses for the Bonanza firm, which attracted much attention. She was awarded a diploma for painting “Coming out of the Valley,” sent to Santiago, Chili; also a diploma from the Mechanics’ Institute for finest miniature painting. She has made several visits to New York, and while there in 1884 received a commission from the State to paint a portrait of ex-United States Treasurer Folger, for the State Capitol at Albany. She received a commission to paint a portrait of the late Governor Bartlett for the State Capitol at Sacramento, also one for the city and a third for the Cosmos Club. Her work has received very favorable criticism and is found in many of the best galleries in San Francisco.


Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 618, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Kim Buck.


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