San Francisco County





A. H. RICKETTS, a well-known lawyer of San Francisco, may be classed among those Californians who are to the manner born, as he was brought here when only five years old, by his mother, in the spring of 1854. Her husband, Judge Ricketts, who had died some years previously, was a prominent English counselor in his day. His family occupied a good position, and he took up the study of law more to be employed than anything else. He was at length raised to be Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, sent first to the West Indies and afterward transferred to British Guiana. Those countries had a bad climatic effect upon him, for he died shortly after his return to England.

When he was old enough, Mr. Ricketts, our subject, was sent to the public schools, and in due time attended the Union and St. Ignatius colleges---the latter principally. Then he went to Virginia City, Nevada. He was several years in the office of Judge R. B. Whitman, ex-Chief Justice of that State, who had just left the bench in fact when Mr. Ricketts joined him. While studying there Mr. Ricketts was acting United States marshal about six months. In Virginia City, he was appointed Chief of Staff to Brigadier-General J H. Mathewson, a man of wonderful nerve and courage. Mr. Ricketts was some eleven years in Nevada, being there during all the excitement of the “bonanza” period. It was there that he was admitted to the bar.

His first case and victory was in the United States Circuit Court at Carson City, Nevada. Mr. Ricketts has always made it the great policy and rule of his practice to be well prepared and thorough in his knowledge of all details of every case he brings into court. His cases have almost all been in the Federal Courts or before the departments at Washington, ---not that this has been through any desire or special arrangement of his own; it chanced to be so.

In 1884 Mr. Ricketts came to San Francisco, and began practice with Judge Whitman, for a year; then he was alone until R. B. Mitchell joined him, but this partnership was short-lived, and since then he has been alone in his practice.

In mining law, involving title, etc., Mr. Ricketts is an acknowledged authority. In this branch of litigation he has had charge of many important cases. At the present time he is counsel for several leading companies.


Transcribed by 11-17-06 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 176, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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