D. F. RAGAN, M. D.


D. F. Ragan, M. D., whose office is at No. 8 Sixth street, San Francisco, has been engaged in the practice of medicine in this city since 1886.  He was born at Iowa Hill, Placer county, California, in 1861, the son of Denis Ragan, who was one of the pioneer settlers of California, and who was early interested in placer and quartz mining in Placer and Nevada counties.  Our subject received his early education in the public schools of Grass Valley, Nevada county, California, graduating at the high school of that city in 1878.  He then took a preparatory course for admission to the State University, and soon after engaged in teaching in Nevada county, reaching finally the grade of teacher of the junior class in the Grass Valley high school.  This position he resigned to accept the principalship of the commercial department of the Lincoln evening school in San Francisco.  While engaged in this position Mr. Ragan commenced the study of medicine, entering the Cooper Medical College in 1883, at which institution he graduated in 1886, after a full three-years course.  The position of house surgeon of the City and County Hospital was open to the three students standing highest in their classes, one of whom was Dr. Ragan, and he still retained the position of principal of the Lincoln evening school, but which he resigned in 1889, after having taught ten years, and after having received a life diploma from the State of California.  Meanwhile he had resigned his place in the hospital in 1888, and engaged in private practice in this present location.  Dr. Ragan is now assistant to the Chair of Nervous Diseases at the Cooper Medical College, and is also Secretary of the Alumni Association of that college.  He is the first Grand Medical Examiner elected by the Young Men’s Institute, which office he still holds.


Transcribed by Donna L. Becker 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 582, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Donna L. Becker.



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