San Francisco County






   John W. Quick, proprietor of the San Francisco Pioneer Screen Works, who has been identified with the manufacturing interests of this city and coast for the past thirty years, is a native of Ireland, where he was reared.  His father was a prominent machinist and had large machine shops, and gave his son the choice of entering college or learning a trade in the shops.  Following his mechanical taste, he chose the latter.  After acquiring his trade he came to this country in 1854, and came to the coast the same year and followed his trade.  In 1860 his established his present business on Third street, and from there moved to Mission near Third, from there to the Vulcan Iron Works, and afterward to Pritchell Machine Works, 203 Fremont, then to 32 Fremont, where he remained ten years, and finally built his present factory at 221 and 223 First street.  The building is three stories in height, erected especially for the requirement of his trade.  The shops are large a commodious.  He has built up a large business, his trade extending throughout the coast and adjoining Territories—Arizona, Utah, Mexico, Oregon, Australia and British possessions.  He is also interested in mining and real estate.  He started in business with small capital, and his success is owning to his own efforts.


Transcribed by Donna L. Becker 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, page 138, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Donna L. Becker.




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