San Francisco County







THOMAS M. QUACKENBUSH, an honored citizen of San Francisco and the oldest contractor and builder now engaged in active business here, was born in Schenectady, New York, in 1819. His parents were also natives of the Empire State. His father was born in Maiden Lane, was for many years a prominent merchant in the city of New York and was intimately associated with the old Knickerbockers residents there.

      Thomas M. attended school, and served an apprenticeship to the carpenter and joiner’s trade, in his native State. When the gold discoveries in California attracted the attention of the civilized world, young Quackenbush determined to seek his fortune on the Pacific coast. He left New York on the old steamer Philadelphia, made the Pacific voyage in the Oregon, and arrived here in 1850. He did not follow the throng to the mines, but at once began working at his trade, and for the past forty years has been prominently identified with the contracting and building interest of San Francisco Coming here when the city was in its infancy. He has been an active agent in building it up to its present magnitude. He has been in the same block where he is now locate since 1856, a period of thirty-five years, and in the early days the water stood from ten to fifteen feet in front of his shop.

      Few men of his age are so well preserved as Mr. Quackenbush. He is a man of correct habits, strong individuality and will power; was never drunk in his life, never gambled, and for the past thirty-five years has not used tobacco. He is not only the oldest but the most successful contractor and builder in this city, and is now ranked among the wealthy citizens of the great metropolis he helped to build. His investments have been made and managed with marked forethought and sagacity, his success in life being due to his own earnest efforts, his natural ability, his energy and his good management.



Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 601, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Kim Buck.


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