EDMUND PUGH, M.D., whose office is at No. 8 Market street, northeast corner of Market street, San Francisco, has been a resident of California since 1856. He was born in Shrewsbury, England, in 1833, and comes from a family of physicians, there having been a physician in nearly every family for many generations back. Edmund received his education in private schools, and attended the Blackhall Academy in North Wales for about four years. He commenced the study of medicine in 1845, entering the drug store of his uncle, Dr. Cummings, under whose preceptorship he studied for nine years, and entered the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, while under the preceptorship of his uncle; he graduated at that institution in 1854. He at once entered into the practice of medicines, in which he continued until he came to California. Dr. Pugh then engaged in the profession in California first in Los Angeles, remaining three years, and then in San Francisco, where he has practiced most of the time since. In 1870 he went to Mexico, where he carried on his profession in Mazatlan, and also traveled through that county, taking out a diploma at the Medical College of Guadalajara, in order to comply with the requirements of Mexican law. He remained in Mexico upward of two years. Dr. Pugh is now engaged in general practice in San Francisco.


Transcribed by Elaine Sturdevant

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 523-524, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Elaine Sturdevant.

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