San Francisco County



H. A. Powell, who was prominently mentioned for the office of Mayor at the last municipal election, is a resident of the fourth ward, and a lawyer by profession, having an office in San Francisco.  His father was among the first settlers in the Sacramento valley in early days.  Mr. Powell in childhood saw many a hardship on California ranches.  He received his education in the public schools and graduated from the State Normal School in San Francisco in June, 1867.  For a year Mr. Powell was a teacher in the public schools and for a time studied law in the office of Judge Blatchley, in San Francisco.  He was admitted to the bar in this State in January, 1870.  Shortly after, Mr. Powell opened an office in San Francisco, and since that time he has made the law his business.  His practice is of a civil character, and very few during the past fifteen years have enjoyed a larger or steadier business in probate, land and corporate practice than Mr. Powell.  He has the reputation of being a painstaking, careful lawyer, and has met with great success in the courts.  Mr. Powell always enters a case believing in the justness of his cause, and is untiring in his efforts to win his case for his client.  Mr. Powell's practice is not alone confined to San Francisco and Oakland, as he is often called elsewhere to attend and take part in important litigation.  In politics Mr. Powell is a Republican, and has the utmost confidence of his party.  He was one of the Board of Freeholders who framed the present charter of this city, and was untiring in his efforts to make for Oakland a charter that would stand the test of the courts.  Many nights he labored over knotty points submitted to him, and was looked upon by his colleagues as a safe adviser.  For over twenty years Mr. Powell has been a resident of this city, always taking an active part in all public improvements.  He is a believer in the public-school system, and during his residence in Oakland has done much to advance the schools to their present high standard.  Recently he took an active part in looking up the law in regard to the issuance of bonds for public improvements.  His opinion is always given great weight, owing to the fact that he fully investigates a point before giving his decision.


Transcribed 12-18-04  Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, pages 672-673, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Marilyn R. Pankey.



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