San Francisco County












            Among the “Argonauts” who have been closely identified with the growth of our State, Abraham Powell, manager of the Puget Sound Company, occupies a prominent position. He arrived in California in 1849, and during all these years he has been associated in the great lumber interests of our coast, and is now at the head of one in the State.

            Although he has been in active business life, requiring arduous mental labor, he has taken time to foster and promote our leading fraternal societies. Was made a Mason July 6th, 1854, in Integrity Lodge, No. 187, Philadelphia; exalted June 12, 1868, in Naval Chapter at Vallejo, California, and knighted August 6th, 1869, in California Commandery No. 1, California. He is also thirty second degree Scottish Rite, and a member of the Masonic Veterans and of the Shrine. Was one of the petitioners for Masonic charter (No. 87) at Vallejo, which was organized under dispensation July 17th, 1855, and charter granted May 7th 1856, Mr. Powell being Worshipful Master. Visited the Triennial Conclave at Chicago in 1883, commanding the thirteenth division; also at St. Louis in 1886. Was one of the charter members of the Society of California Pioneers, organized at Vallejo May 27th, 1869, and served a term as President, and is also a member of the San Francisco Pioneers.

            Bro. Powell is a fine specimen of manhood, genial, benevolent and kindhearted. As a business man he is held in high esteem; through a long and intricate business his name has never been assailed. At the family circle, in the lodge-room, or at the banquet he is a captivating conversationalist, full of wit and humor. The Argonauts who laid the foundation of this great empire on the Pacific Coast endured hardships, surmounted obstacles, and gained triumphs that will place their names on the pages of the history of our country among the heroes of the nineteenth century.




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

Source: “Illustrated Fraternal Directory Including Educational Institutions on the Pacific Coast”, Page 39, Publ. Bancroft Co., San Francisco. Cal.  1890.

© 2013  Cecelia M. Setty.






San Francisco County Biographies 

San Francisco County 

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