San Francisco County





A. C. POSEY, M. D.


   A. C. POSEY, M. D., whose office is at 106 Stockton street, San Francisco, has been a resident of California for fifteen years, during all of which time he has practiced medicine in Oakland and San Francisco.  He was born on his father’s plantation near Henderson, Kentucky, May 29, 1849.  His father was William Thornton Posey, the fourth son of Captain John Posey and his wife Lucy Thornton.  Captain John Posey was the first son of General Thomas Posey, who figured very conspicuously in the Revolutionary war; afterward he was the second Governor of the State of Indiana, State Senator of Kentucky, and United States Senator from Louisiana.

   A. C. Posey, the subject of this sketch, was the eighth son and thirteenth child of William Thornton Posey and his wife, Eliza Dixon, daughter of Captain Hal Dixon, who was State Senator of Kentucky for several terms of its Legislature, first cousin of Archibald Dixon, who was United States Senator from Kentucky.  Dr Posey’s early education was received in the schools in and around Henderson, and his collegiate course was completed at B. B. Sayres’ school at Frankfort, Kentucky and the Kentucky Military Institute in Franklin county, Kentucky.  He afterward engaged in farming in Henderson county.  Early evincing a taste for the healing art, he would doctor anything that was taken sick on his father’s plantation, from sick chicken to a sick horse.  In 1870 he commenced the study of medicine, under the preceptorship of Dr. William Hanna, of Henderson, Kentucky, with whom he studied two years.  In 1873 he entered the medical department of the University of Louisville, Kentucky, where he attended two courses of lectures.  He then entered the Kentucky School of Medicine, of Louisville, where he graduated, receiving his degree of Doctor of Medicine and Surgery in 1875.  He at once entered practice at St. Louis, Missouri, remaining there one year.

   On arriving in California, he located in Oakland, where he did a general practice, in both medicine and surgery, from 1876 to 1880, deciding in the meantime to devote himself to the special diseases of the eye, ear, throat and nose as soon as his finances would permit.  In the spring of 1880 he went to Europe and devoted two and a half years to the study of those specialties in hospitals of London, Paris, Vienna and Halle (Prussia), receiving instructions from such men as Sir Morrell Mackenzie, of the Throat Hospital, Golden Square, London; Nettleship, Tweedy, Gunn and Lawson, surgeons to the royal London Ophthalmic Hospital at Moorfields, London, E. C.; Fauvel and Landolt, at Paris; Billroth, Politzer, Gruber, Schroetter, Urbanschitch and Alt, at Vienna; Schwartze and Alfred Graffe, at Halle.

   On returning to California he located permanently in San Francisco, where he has since devoted himself to practice in those special diseases—eye, ear, throat, nose and gullet.

   Dr. Posey is a member of the State Medical society of California and the County Medical Society of San Francisco.


Transcribed by Cathi Skyles.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, page 297-298, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Cathi Skyles.




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