San Francisco County






REV. F. A. POPE, O. P.



      Although he has been in the city of San Francisco for only a comparatively brief interval, Rev. F. A. Pope has made a distinct impression upon the community as the pastor of the St. Dominic Roman Catholic Church at Steiner and Bush streets. He is a native of the province of Ontario, Canada, where he was born March 13, 1884. When he was one year of age, his parents moved to Orleans, Nebraska, and there he later attended the grade and high schools. He studied in the Christian Brothers School in St. Joseph, Missouri, after which he engaged in further studies at the Sacred Heart College in San Francisco, the Catholic University in Washington, D. C., and the Dominican House in the latter city. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1921, and for three years thereafter he was associated with the Catholic School for Boys in Ross, Marin county, California. He was then pastor of the Holy Rosary Church in Portland, Oregon, until the autumn of 1930, when he assumed charge of the St. Dominic Church in San Francisco. His fine spiritual strength, kindly character, sincerity, combined with marked executive ability, have inspired his large congregation and have placed him in an eminent position among the clergy of this city.

      The St. Dominic Roman Catholic Church is in charge of the Dominican Fathers, and is housed in one of San Francisco’s most beautiful and modern church structures, dedicated two years ago. There are two schools in connection with the church under the direction of the Sisters of St. Dominic. One of these is the parochial school, which provides for the grades from the first to the eighth, and the other is the St. Rose Academy, which is the high school. Six hundred pupils are enrolled, and there are likewise six hundred families in the St. Dominic parish. Connected with the church are the following societies: the Holy Name, the Rosary, the third Order of St. Dominic and a number of minor ones.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages 168-169.

© 2008 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County