San Francisco County










THE PIONEER MACARONI AND VERMICELLI FACTORY, was established in 1855, and has had a long business career. J. P. Tenthoney conducted the business until 1888, when he sold out to the present owners, J. F. Martinoni and J. J. Podesta. It is located at its old stand, 512 and 514 Washington street, and their macaroni and vermicelli is in every respect equal to the best in the market. They also manufacture choice farina and pastes of all descriptions in French and Italian styles. Their goods are sold at wholesale, and are shipped all over the coast and to British Columbia.

      Mr. J. F. Martinoni was born in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1861, and came to San Francisco in 1878. After having some experience in business, he took a course in the Pacific Business College and passed the usual examinations. Since his connection with his present firm he has had charge of the financial part of the business. He is a Master Mason, has passed all the chairs in the Druids, was Grand marshal of the State one year, is president of the Tieinese Society and vice-president of the Swiss Liberal Progressive Society. He is a Republican in his political views, and is vice-president of the Swiss and Italian Republican Clubs. He married an American lady, Miss Katie Piombo.

      J. J. Podesta was born in Italy in 1846, and came to San Francisco from Central America in 1875. He has charge of the manufactory of the business, and has had twenty years’ experience, making him thoroughly competent, skillful and capable. He is married, and has three children, all born in San Francisco, Mr. Podesta is a member of the Druids and the Bersaglieri Guards, the Italian Benevolent society, and has been a member of the Board of Directors of both the last named societies. His political views are Democratic, but he is liberal and conservative, and votes more for the man than the party. Both the members of this firm are bright, active and obliging business men. They have increased the facilities of the factory, and under their able manager the business is growing rapidly.



Transcribed 7-22-06 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 424, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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