San Francisco County









Horace D. Pillsbury, member of the law firm of Pillsbury, Madison & Sutro and President and General Counsel of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company, was born in 1873 at San Francisco. After attending public schools of that city he entered Harvard University, which conferred on him the degree of A. B. in 1895, then engaged in the study of law at Hastings College of the Law. He graduated from the latter institution with the LL. B. degree in 1896, was admitted to the California bar and became a member of the firm of Pillsbury, Madison & Sutro, of which his father, Evans S. Pillsbury, now retired, was senior member.


Shortly after Mr. Pillsbury also became connected with the legal department of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company, of which he later became General Counsel, then Vice President and finally President. He is also connected with a number of other corporations, being President of the U. S. Long Distance Telephone & Telegraph Company, Southern California Telephone Company and Home Telephone Company; as well as V. P. and General Counsel of the Richmond Belt Railway and the Snow Mountain Water & Power Co.


The firm of Pillsbury, Madison & Sutro specializes in corporation, municipal and public utility law, and is Counsel for the Standard Oil Company of California, Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company, American Railway Express Company, Zellerbach Corporation, Pacific Portland Cement Company, California Packing Corporation, Bank of California and others.


Mr. Pillsbury holds membership in the American Bar Association, State Bar of California and the Bar Association of San Francisco. He is also a member of the Pacific Union Club, University Clubs of San Francisco and New York, and the San Francisco Golf & Country Club. In 1898 he married Elizabeth Taylor and they have four children, Mrs. Olivia de Ropp, Evan S., Taylor and Margaret.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: "American Blue Book California Lawyers" by H. James Boswell, Page 39, Produced by H. James Boswell, 1928.

© 2008 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.








California Biography Project


San Francisco County