San Francisco County









      Louis N. Peter, who is successfully conducting his own modern garage at 3953 Geary street in San Francisco, and specializing in the Buick make of motor cars, was born in Quincy, Plumas county, California, May 2, 1902. He is a son of Louis N. and Jessie B. (Johnson) Peter, the former now being deceased. Louis N. Peter, Sr., was reared in Indian Valley in Plumas county. He was a lawyer of prominence and served at one time as district attorney in that county. His death occurred in the year 1916. His widow, who survives him and resides in San Francisco, is descended from pioneer Californians, her family having crossed the western plains by covered wagon during the early years.

      Louis N. Peter pursued the grade and high school courses in Plumas county, and then attended St. Joseph’s Academy in Oakland, California, in 1915-16. After completing his school work, he obtained employment with Mr. Hammer in San Francisco, in the trade of automobile repairing, and in this capacity he learned thoroughly the rudiments of this business which he was destined to follow as a career. At the end of six years, or in 1924, he established his own shop at his present address. The shop was small at the beginning, and Mr. Peter had only one assistant. The growth of the business during the past seven years has been steady, and with the increased trade the owner has improved his equipment and quarters. Twenty-two people are now employed, and while Mr. Peter specializes in Buick work, he does general repairing as well. His excellent patronage is based on the high quality of work he turns out, and the fairness of his prices.

      Mr. Peter was married in Napa, California, to Miss Virginia Parker, who was born in Etna Mills, Siskiyou county, this state, and is of pioneer California stock. Her grandmother was the first white woman to climb the dangerous sides of Mount Shasta.

      In politics, Mr. Peter has been a supporter of the democratic party. He belongs to the Masonic fraternity, also to the Olympic Club of San Francisco, the Geary Street Merchants Association, the Presidio Park Improvement Club, and the Olympic Rifle Club. Shooting is his favorite diversion.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages 190-191.

© 2008 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County