San Francisco County






G.W. Percy, of the firm of Percy & Hamilton, architects, is a native of the State of Maine, and born in 1847.  His parents, Isaiah and Beulah Percy, were natives of the same State.  He received his elementary education in that State and acquired his knowledge of architecture in Portland and Boston.  After reaching his majority he came to California, in 1869, and located at Stockton.  In the spring of 1872 he went to Chicago, just after the great fire, and remained there until the following year, when he went to Boston, after the great fire there, and had the supervision of construction of some of the large buildings, and remained there until the fall of 1875, when he returned to California and opened an office, and for the past fifteen years has been preminently identified with the profession in the city and State.  In 1880 he became associated with his present partner.  The firm of Percy & Hamilton have designed and erected some of the finest buildings in the city and on the coast, -- among many other the Academy of Sciences on Market, between Fourth and Fifth streets, one of the grandest and most substantial buildings on the coast.  As leading responsible architects this firm enjoys an enviable reputation.


Transcribed Karen L. Pratt.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, pages 659, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Karen L. Pratt.




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