San Francisco County











            A pioneer and prominent attorney of San Francisco, Archibald C. Peachy is still remembered among his business associates of the early days as a man of force and unusual ability.  He was born in Williamsburg, Va., October 8, 1820, a son of Thomas Peachy, likewise a native of the Old Dominion and a descendant of Lord Fairfax, of early colonial fame.  Thomas Peachy was a physician of his native locality, and as an enterprising and public-spirited citizen held a position of prominence in the community where he spent his entire life.

            Archibald C. Peachy received his education in the common schools of Virginia, after which he entered William and Mary College, in Williamsburg, and after some time of study there became a professor in that institution.  Taking up the profession of law he practiced for some time in Georgetown, D. C., desisting in his efforts, however, to come to California April 1, 1849, via the Isthmus of Panama, like the thousands of others who flocked to the west in that year seeking a fortune in the gold fields of the state.  After two weeks of mining Mr. Peachy returned to San Francisco and soon became identified with the upbuilding interests of that city.  He helped to build the Montgomery block and in the prosecution of his profession became a member of the firm known as Halleck, Peachy & Billings, a firm devoted exclusively to corporation business.  They handled many important cases and won a wide reputation for the manner in which they conducted their business.  A strong Democrat in his political convictions, Mr. Peachy exercised a wide influence in the affairs of his party and was often selected by the leaders to represent the people in important positions.  Early in the history of the state he served two terms in the state senate, where he gave effective service in the interests of the people.  He was a member of the Episcopal Church and was active in its support.  His death, which occurred April 17, 1883, removed a man of large usefulness, a progressive and public-spirited citizen, and an earnest and helpful friend.

            In 1859, in San Francisco, Mr. Peachy married Mary Jane Barry, a native of Tipperary, Ireland, who came to the United States when seven years old.  Her trip to California was made via the Isthmus of Panama.  A woman of refinement and culture, as well as of unusual business acumen, she presides over her beautiful home in San Leandro with grace and dignity and extends a hospitality which has won her many friends.  Having no children of her own she has adopted a daughter, to whom she gives every advantage in the way of education and training.





Transcribed Joyce Rugeroni.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 649-650. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2015  Joyce Rugeroni.







San Francisco County Biographies 

San Francisco County 

Golden Nugget Library