San Francisco County









      Descendant of authentic California pioneer families, K. C. Partridge is now one of the leading attorneys in the city of San Francisco, and has his offices at 68 Post street. He was born in Susanville, Lassen county, California, August 7, 1872, and is a son of the late John C. and Helen (Slater) Partridge.

      John C. Partridge was a native of Maine, and came to California in the early ‘50s. He settled in Susanville, where he conducted a general merchandise business, and also founded the Susanville Advocate in 1860. This newspaper is still in existence. He served at one time as surveyor of Lassen county, and was one of the organizers of one of the first Masonic lodges in the state. His wife, Helen (Slater) Partridge, was a native of Arkansas, and crossed the plains in a covered wagon with her parents in the early days. Her father, Dr. John Slater, settled in Susanville in 1855, having formerly been a plantation and slave owner in the south. He was the first physician to practice in Lassen county, and was a man universally respected. He administered his medical care over miles of territory, much of which was difficult of access. When the state of Nevada was admitted to the union, he was a candidate for governor, but was defeated. John C. Partridge died in 1881, and his wife passed away in 1928. In addition to the immediate subject of this biography, they had two other sons, John S. and Harry. The former was born in Susanville in 1870 and educated for the law at the University of California. He figured prominently in the civic and political life of San Francisco, and was an unsuccessful candidate for mayor of the city in 1905. In 1923, he was appointed to the United States federal bench, and in 1926 died while holding this responsible position. He never married. He was a thirty-second degree Mason, and a Knight Templar; past exalted ruler of San Francisco Lodge, No. 3, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks; and belonged to the Pacific Union Club. Harry Partridge, the third son of his parents, is now a practicing physician in San Francisco.

      K. C. Partridge finished the courses offered by the common schools, and then entered the United States postal service. Ambitious to become an attorney, he began the study of law in the office of George Mastick in San Francisco. The latter was one of the leading members of the local bar, and was the son of E. B. Mastick, who was one of the first attorneys in this city, having started practice about 1850. The practical experience and intelligent guidance received in the Mastick office was most valuable to Mr. Partridge, and he took every opportunity to observe the methods of his brilliant preceptor. In 1911, he was successful in passing his examination for admission to the California state bar, duly became a member, and then entered practice with his brother, John S. Partridge. Later, he opened an office for himself, and has so continued to the present, with outstanding success and high credit to his own ability and ethical procedure.

      In October, 1922, Mr. Partridge was married to Irene Hildreth, who was born in Mendocino county, California, a descendant of one of the state’s pioneer families, her father having crossed the western plains in the early days. Mr. Partridge is interested in fruit raising, and is the owner of a ranch devoted to this culture in the Santa Cruz mountains. He is a Master Mason, and belongs to the Olympic Club.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages 155-157.

© 2008 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County