San Francisco County







   GEORGE C. PARDEE, M. D.—The record which follows, short though it be, possesses an interest not inferior to most sketches of a biographical nature, as showing that to age alone are not relegated all the success of life.  It is something on which California may with justice pride herself, putting her young men forward, and is adding the fire and vigor of their most active years to the experience and wisdom of her older citizens.  Dr. George C. Pardee, the well-known specialist of eye, ear, throat and nose, in which he succeeds his father Dr. E. H. Pardee—who is regarded as one of the foremost men in those branches that America possesses—was born in San Francisco, on the slopes of the Clay street hill, July 25, 1857.  He received his academical education in the schools of Oakland, California, and at the University of California, graduated thence with distinction in the class of 1879.  He at once began the study of medicine, taking first a course at the Cooper Medical College, San Francisco, of two years, and later going to Germany, where in 1885, after a four years’ course, he graduated with honor at the University of Leipsic.  Immediately on his return to California, Dr. Pardee became his father’s assistant and successor; the mantle of skill, talent and success, which his father has, seems to have fallen upon his shoulders.  He is already regarded as an authority in his departments of practice.

   The Doctor is a member of the State, San Francisco and Alameda County Medical Societies, and is active in all matters that tend to the public welfare, having been one of the foremost and efficient members of the Oakland City board of Health, and is now a member of the city council.  Dr. Pardee is also Lieutenant-Colonel and Surgeon on Brigadier-General Dickinson’s staff, Second Regiment, National Guard of California.

   He is a married man, the father of three children, his comfortable home being situated in East Oakland, in one of the most beautiful sections of the “City of Homes.”


Transcribed by Cathi Skyles.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, page 320-321, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Cathi Skyles.




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