San Francisco County











Leo Gordon Opsahl, manufacturer of lumber and wood products, is the son of Jens J. and Clara (Swanson) Opsahl. He was born in Felton, Minnesota, on August 16, 1900, and received his preparatory education at the University of Minnesota.

            Mr. Opsahl married Cecile Feusier on August 25, 1933, and has three children: Sandra Lee, Karin Lynn and John Gordon.

            From 1922 to 1927, Mr. Opsahl was plant manufacturer of lumber products; then in general sales of lumber products from 1927 to 1930; administrative director of sales production and advertising of lumber products, 1930 to 1943; appointed a member of the advisory committee on softwood plywood, War Production Board, in April of 1942; appointed a member of the advisory committee on Western pine lumber prices, Office of Price Administration, in January of 1943. He was general sales manager of The Red River Lumber Company, Westwood, California, from 1935 to 1945; and has been a manufacturer and wholesaler of lumber and wood products since 1945, Westwood, California.

            Member of Wood for Venetians Association (blind slats); Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity; and Masonic bodies.

            Address:  Monadnock Building, 681 Market Street, San Francisco, California.




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

Source: “Eminent Californians 1953”, by Lee E. Johnson & C. W. Taylor. Page 546, C. W. Taylor Publ., Palo Alto, California, 1953.

© 2014  Cecelia M. Setty.






San Francisco County Biographies 

San Francisco County 

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