San Francisco County









      Neil O’Hair, who is the vice president of the firm of P. E. O’Hair & Company, dealers in wholesale plumbing and steam-fitting supplies at 945 Bryant street in San Francisco, has been very successful in the conduct of this widely known concern established by his father. He was born in Chico, California, January 6, 1888, and is a son of the late Patrick E. and Cora (Allen) O’Hair.

      Patrick E. O’Hair, a native of the state of Iowa, came to California about the year 1871. He first settled in Orland, then moved to Chico, where he ranched and later was in the hardware business. From Chico he came to San Francisco about forty years ago. Here he first engaged in the livery business under the firm name of Cole & O’Hair, his stable being situated on Third street between Folsom and Howard streets. He established the plumbing and steam-fitting supply business about 1898, in a modest way, but his trade grew steadily under his careful management and shortly he became prosperous in the field he had chosen. He continued therein until his death in 1925. His wife, whom he married in Chico, was a native of California, her grandfather having crossed the plains in the early days, requiring one year and a half to make the trip. Mrs. O’Hair passed away in the year 1931. Six children were born to their union, of whom five survive, one having been killed by a street car.

      Neil O’Hair was educated in the public schools of Colusa, California, and San Francisco, and subsequently entered into his father’s business in this city. After the death of his father, Neil O’Hair and his brother Cyril assumed charge of the company, in the success of which during the later years they had much to do. In 1926, a new building was erected on Bryant street, and there are now one hundred and twenty-five employes. The establishment of P. E. O’Hair & Company is among the foremost on the coast in the plumbing and steam-fitting trade, and the affairs of the company are conducted along the most modern lines. Branches are maintained in Oakland, Fresno and Los Angeles, California.

      Mr. O’Hair was married to Miss Edith Hall, who was born in Martinez, California, and they have one daughter, Patricia. In fraternal and social circles, Mr. O’Hair is active, now holding membership in the Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks, the Native Sons of the Golden West, and the Olympic Club. Hunting and outdoor life are his favorite recreations, and has won the confidence and respect of all with whom he has come in contact in his business career.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages 57-58.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County