San Francisco County








JOHN J. O’FARRELL, a well-known real-estate dealer in San Francisco, was born in Sonoma county, California, October 11, 1856.  His father, Jasper O’Farrell, a noted pioneer of the State, was a native of Ireland, born in 1822; he received his education in his own country and was given a diploma as Civil Engineer.  He left England on a surveying expedition to the coast of South America, arriving there in 1841.  After remaining one year in Valparaiso, Chili, he came to California on a United States coast surveying vessel, landing in October, 1843.  In 1844-45 the Mexican Government employed him to run the lines of Alta California, and he also surveyed many of the ranches owned by Mexicans, having his headquarters at Yerba Buena.  In 1846 he settled on a large tract of land which he had obtained from the Mexican Government; he named this place “Anally” after his old home in Ireland.  In 1849 he married the youngest daughter of M. McChristian, who arrived in California in 1845.  She was a woman of many rare gifts and their home was ever open to their friends, and many a wanderer in those early days enjoyed the shelter of their roof and their generous hospitality.  In 1847, under instructions from the alcalde, W. A. Bartlett, Mr. O’Farrell extended and completed the survey of San Francisco, and the residents of this city are under lasting obligations to him for the ample width of Market street, as the establishment of its present boundary was strongly opposed at that time by many of the property owners.  It was at this time that O’Farrell street was named in his honor.  Many of the contracts made with the town have been found among his papers.  Politically he was a conservative Democrat.  He was elected a member of the State Senate to represent Sonoma and Mendocino counties, and he was at one time a member of the State Legislature.  By the Legislature he was elected a member of the State Board of Harbor Commissioners; he discharged every public trust in a most capable and efficient manner.  He was a man of culture and refinement, and was highly esteemed by all who had the honor of knowing him.   His death was sudden and occurred in November, 1875.  Eight children survive him.

      John J. O’Farrell was educated in his native city, and was a student of St. Mary’s college.  When quite a young man he held the responsible position of purser for the Pacific Coast Steamship Company, retaining the office seven years; he was the youngest purser ever employed by the company.  In 1879 he engaged in the real-estate business, and has met with good success.  He is now the head of the real-estate firm of O’Farrell & Quay, at 11 Montgomery street, where he enjoys a large patronage.  He is a member of the Pioneer Society of California, by reason of his father’s having been a member.  In 1886 he was married to Miss Mary Loughran of Missouri, and they are the parents of three children, all born in San Francisco.  Politically Mr. O’Farrell holds independent views.  In commercial circles he is recognized as one of the leading spirits, and is regarded as a reliable, upright business man.



Transcribed by Donna L. Becker.

Source: “The Bay of San Francisco,” Vol. 2, Pages 640-641, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Donna L. Becker.




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