San Francisco County






O. W. NORDWELL, merchant tailor, No. 218 Bush street, has for many years taken a leading position in commercial circles in San Francisco. He came to this city in 1872, and was connected for some years as cutter with some of the best houses in the trade. He continued in this capacity until 1879, when he established his present business. He has a commodious store and carries a large stock of standard goods, and fine cloths and suitings. He has a wide practical experience, and no one more fully understands the demands of the trade; he gives all of the various departments his personal supervision, relying alone upon the merit of his work and the satisfaction given his customers for the rapid increase of his business. By these sterling methods he has built up the largest custom trade, and does the leading business in the city.

      Mr. Nordwell is a native of Sweden, and was reared, educated and taught his trade in his native country. He came to New York in 1865, and remained there one year, then went to Chicago and spent several years there and in St. Louis. Coming to California in 1872, he has for the past twenty years conducted one of the leading commercial enterprises in San Francisco.



Transcribed by Donna L. Becker.

Source: “The Bay of San Francisco,” Vol. 2, Page 485, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Donna L. Becker.




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