San Francisco County







DANIEL NORCROSS was born in the city of Philadelphia early in the twenties, and is the descendant of a most honorable English ancestry on the paternal side and of French on the maternal side.  William Norcross emigrated from Lancashire, England, in 1699, and settled in Berks county, Pennsylvania.  Rachel Van Court, a member of the family well-known for her unusual force of character, belonged to the old Pennsylvania Quaker stock.  His father was a Methodist clergyman, and his mother, now living at the age of ninety, is a Baptist in her religious creed.  Mr. Norcross himself professes no sectarian belief, but has inherited a deep sympathy with the old Quaker doctrines.

      In 1844 he wedded Miss Harriet Newell Abbott, a most estimable lady, and a descendant of Puritan stock.  She joined her husband in California in 1852 and shared with him the various fortunes of the pioneer.  In 1887, when on a visit to Philadelphia, her old home, she contracted a severe cold which resulted in her death, March 3, 1888.

      Mr. Norcross is a pioneer in his line of business, both in the United States and in California.  The manufacture of regalia, flags, banners, etc., has increased to vast proportions throughout the Union, and is a business which requires a large capital for its successful conduct.  When the first news of the gold discovery in California reached the East, Mr. Norcross determined to come to the Pacific coast, and in January, 1849, he sailed with his friend, General J. Winchester, on the ship Tarolinta, bound for San Francisco.  After a voyage of 176 days he landed in San Francisco, and since that time has been a constant residence of the city.  He did not go to the mines, but settled in the city and began the establishment of the business which has grown to be one of the most important industries of the coast.  As the city changed and the requirements of the business demanded it, he made different moves.  In 1860 he located in the Masonic Temple, where he carried on a large and successful business.

      In 1891 he removed his office to No. 230 Post street, near Stockton street, and has associated with him in his business his grandson, Wm. O. Macdougall, who is also becoming a prominent member of the several orders to which his grandfather belongs.

      Their industry requires artistic ability of a high order and an originality of design not demanded by any other manufacturer.  The high reputation acquired by this house extends throughout the country west of the Rocky mountains.

      Mr. Norcross’ connection with Odd Fellowship, Masonry, and kindred benevolent societies constitutes a complete history of such organizations in California.  He was initiated into Philanthropic Lodge, No. 15, I O. O. F. of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in May, 1845, and rapid passed the degrees until in December, 1846, he was received as a member of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania.  In September, 1849, he assisted the District Deputy Grand Sire to institute California Lodge, No. 1, the first I. O. O. F. lodge on the Pacific coast.  He and his wife were the first persons to have the Rebekah Degree conferred upon them by the Noble Grand of Apollo Lodge, No. 296, in Philadelphia, January 3, 1852.  He was made a Mason in Mount Moriah Lodge, No. 145, in Philadelphia, in 1847, from which he withdrew in 1852 to become a charter member of Occidental Lodge, No. 22, of this city. He was initiated into Court Robin Hood, No. 5931, A. O. of F. of this city in company with his Majesty, King Kalakana of the Hawaiian Islands.  He has taken the thirty-second degree, Scottish Rite Masonry.  Following is a list of the various societies of which Mr. Norcross is a prominent member: Oriental Lodge, No. 144, A. F. & A. M.; California Chapter, No. 5, R. A. M.; California Commandery, No. 1, K. T.; California Chapter, No. 4, O. E. S.; Past Grand Representative, I. O. O. F. of 1865-66; Golden Gate Encampment, No. 1, I. O. O. F.; Court Robin Hood, No. 5931, A. O. F. of A.; California Pioneers, Veteran Firemen’s Association, Sons of the American Revolution, Apollo Lodge, No. 123, I. O. O. F.; Templar Rebekah Degree Lodge, No. 19, I. O. O. F.; Literary and Social Club, I. O. O. F.; Supreme Representative Knights of the Golden Eagle, California; Grand Castle, California; Society of True Friends, Press Club, Veteran National Guard, California, non-affiliated Druids, Red Men, Knights of Pythias.



Transcribed by Donna L. Becker.

Source: “The Bay of San Francisco,” Vol. 2, Pages 488-489, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Donna L. Becker.




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