Michael NOLAN


Michael NOLAN, a veteran of the Mexican war and a pioneer of San Francisco, was born in Ireland, in 1828.  In early childhood he came to the United States with his relatives and settled in New Orleans.  His education was received in the southern states.

In 1846, after war with Mexico had been declared, he enlisted as a volunteer under Colonel PRICE, and served throughout the war.  After receiving his discharge he returned to his home in New Orleans.

Having inherited a small fortune, he decided to locate to San Francisco, arriving there on November 13, 1849.  He first engaged in mining speculations and after established a wholesale and retail grocery business at 87 and  89 Stevenson Street.  The three-story brick building which he erected and occupied entirely for his groceries stood until the fire of 1906.

Fortune favored him and in the early ‘60’s he was regarded as a wealthy man and was a well known figure in the commercial life of San Francisco. He was a charter member of the Society of California Pioneers, and prominent in other organizations of that period.  His generous hospitality and genial courtesy, so typical of the Southern gentleman, won him a host of friends.

Mr. NOLAN married Margaret MULCAHY, a native of Philadelphia, who came to San Francisco with her parents in 1856.

On September 4, 1903, Michael NOLAN died, leaving his widow, who survived him for eight years and eight children, three sons and five daughters, all of whom reside in San Francisco, and are prominent in their respective callings of music, art, educational work and business careers.



Transcribed by Deana Schultz.

Source: "The San Francisco Bay Region" Vol. 3 page 196 by Bailey Millard. Published by The American Historical Society, Inc. 1924.

© 2004 Deana Schultz.


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