San Francisco County








ROBERT NOBLETT, deceased, was recently a member of the firm of McCleverty & Noblett, proprietors of the Fashion Stables, No 862 Broadway, Oakland. He was born at Pleasanton Arms, near Blackburn, Lancashire, England, December 19, 1822, a son of John and Ellen (Rigby) Noblett. The father died about fifty-two years of age, and the mother at seventy, both being of long lived ancestry, grandmother Noblett`s years reaching 100.

      Our subject, Robert Noblett, left home when about sixteen years of age, and became groom for Captain Plunkett, of the British army, remaining with him for about two years; for the next eight years he was with Captain Nesbitt, serving in Great Britain and Ireland. Then he came to America, and for the first year was private coachmen for Mr. Mounett at the New York Hotel; next he filled a similar position a year at Washington for the Peruvian minister to the United States; then one season with Milton S. Lapham, member of Congress from California; and finally he came to this State with Senator Gwinn; next he was interested with Charles McLaughlin, in his stage enterprise about nine years, and lost money. In 1864 he came to Oakland and first ran a stage from Oregon to San Jose. In 1865 he took a contract for carrying the mail from Oakland through Contra Costa County two years, while he was still interested with McLaughlin. In 1867 he formed a partnership with Louis Beaudry, forming the firm Beaudry & Noblett, and ran the Fashion Stable, at the present Location. Two years afterwards Mr. Beaudry sold out, and a new Company was formed under the style of Holland, McCleverty & Noblett. A. member of the firm died afterward, and other changes were made, and since 1873 the present proprietorship has been preserved.

      Mr. Noblett was first married in Ireland, in 1864, to Miss Mary Casey, who was born about 1823, and they have one child living, John ,born in Ireland in 1847. Mr. Noblett was again married in 1865, in San Francisco, to Margaret Boyle, a native of Ireland, and by this marriage there is one child, Edward Biddle Noblett, born in Oakland in 1867, and now a postal clerk.


Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 518, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Kim Buck.


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