San Francisco County









      The late Henry F. Niemann, production manager and a director of the Enterprise Foundry Company in San Francisco, with which concern he had been associated for over forty years at the time of his death, was considered one of the most skillful artisans in foundry work in California. He was born in Germany on March 15, 1872. His father died at the age of twenty-one years.

      When Henry F. Niemann was seven years old, his mother, Mrs. Louisa (Trost) Nieman, brought him to the United States. They settled in San Francisco, where he entered the public schools. He was a youngster of brilliant talent and exceptional intelligence, and it is a matter of fact that he mastered the English language within a year after he began to study it. He attended the schools of North Beach, and then started to learn his trade in foundry work. During this same time, he took advantage of the night classes in the old Lincoln school, and upon finishing, he associated himself with the McCormack Company. When Mr. Niemann reached his eighteenth year, he became one of the incorporators of the Enterprise Foundry Company, the beginning of a career of forty-one years with this one concern. He won distinction in his work, and he was an artist in bronze far beyond the ordinary. Many of his creations have been given widespread praise. He was a close student of his trade, and consistently followed the latest vogues pertaining to his field. He was quite adept in the steel treating system also.

      Mr. Niemann was married to Evelyn (Hoehn) Fogarty, a descendant of a California pioneer family. Mr. Niemann was the father of one daughter, Mrs. Evelyn McMichael. His wife, by a former marriage, is the mother of a son, George Fogarty. The Niemann home is situated at 2423 Cabrillo street in San Francisco. The environment of his own home was Mr. Niemann’s greatest pleasure, and he preferred this to sports and other diversions. He was a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Metal Trades Union. Mr. Niemann’s death occurred in San Francisco on June 23, 1931, when he was fifty-nine years old. His reputation rests secure in the memory of all who knew him, and by so knowing understand the fine character he possessed.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages 238-239.

© 2008 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County