San Francisco County












            The life of C. W. Nevin is a striking example of push, industry and perseverance. Commencing at an early age the battle of life, he has passed through adversity and vicissitude, steadily advancing until he has amassed wealth, gained honor and esteem, and is now a leading business man and proprietor of a large printing-house. He was born in Iowa in 1849, received a common school education, and at the age of fourteen years left home and parents. At the age of sixteen years found him in California, a “devil boy” in a printing-office in the country. He served as an apprentice on the San Francisco Examiner two years and eight years with Francis & Valentine, and became master in the art.

            He joined Myrtle Lodge Knights of Pythias, served in all chairs, was elected Grand Representative in 1882, and has been re-elected each year to that position, and served on various committees in the Grand Lodge, being Chairman on Laws and Supervision for 1887. In 1882 he was elected Vice-President of the K. of P. Library, and the following month was elected president, and has served in that capacity since.

            To his tact and administrative ability the success of Knights of Pythias Library (one of the best in the State) is largely due. In 1882 he became a member of California Lodge, No. 12, B. P. O., Elko, served in various official positions, became a member of the Grand Lodge, by service, and is now Treasurer of two consolidated Lodges---Golden Gate, No. 6. In 1885 he took a leading part in forming Memorial Lodge, No.6, United Endowment Associates, was the first presiding officer, and first Representative to the Grand Lodge. He is also a member of the Workmen’s Guarantee Fund, and several other benevolent Associations.

            In his association with these benevolent orders he has been selected as a counselor and leader, and there is no person who has more influence among his fraters. In the management of several projects for raising money for benevolent purposes he has shown sagacity, tact and great executive ability, notably the Carnival for the benefit of the Elks last year, and the coming one for this year to be held at the Mechanics’ Pavilion on Thanksgiving day. Blessed in his marital relations, highly respected among his associates, his life and career has been one of usefulness and benefit to his fellow-men.




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

Source: “Illustrated Fraternal Directory Including Educational Institutions on the Pacific Coast, Page 218, Publ. Bancroft Co., San Francisco. Cal.  1889.

© 2012 Cecelia M. Setty.






San Francisco County Biographies 

San Francisco County 

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