San Francisco County





HAMLIN NASH, dealer in coal, wood, hay and grain at No. 1318, San Pablo avenue, Oakland, was born in Washington county, Maine, in 1857, a son of Abraham and Sophia (Cates) Nash. Grandfather Nash, of New England descent for several generations, by occupation a farmer, lived to the age of nearly eighty. Grandfather Cates, also a farmer of Washington county, Maine, lived to be almost seventy.

H. Nash, our subject, received the usual district school education in his youth, and helped on his father’s farm to about the age of sixteen. He then went to sea, making some trips in the coasting and West India trade, continuing his education between times for three or four years longer, attending a seminary near Portland, Maine, for a few terms, and also a business college in that city for a season. In his seafaring career he was advanced to the position of mate of a schooner at eighteen, and later became mate of a brig. He continued in that line to the age of twenty-two and made a voyage from Boston to New Zealand. He came to this coast in 1880, as mate of the brig Cadet, arriving in San Francisco in April. Making a visit to some relations at Hollister, San Benito county, he concluded to remain in California. He went to work on a ranch in that section for six months and then rented a ranch in San Benito county, where he remained until the autumn of 1886, when he settled in Oakland in his present business. He has not entirely separated himself from the agricultural industry, being still owner of a steam thresher which he operates every season. At his present location on San Pablo avenue below Seventeenth street, he has built up a good business in his line.

Mr. Nash was married in this city, in 1884, to Miss Tenia Brown, born in 1863, and they are the parents of three children: Carl L., born in 1885; Percy C., in 1887; and Stella J., born in August, 1890.


Transcribed by 11-17-06 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 170, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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