San Francisco County







E. NARJOT was born in France, in 1827, and at an early age developed a talent for drawing, and began taking lessons in art. He devoted himself assiduously to his studies, and after reaching manhood left his native country and came to California, making the voyage via Cape Horn and arriving here in 1851. It was his intention to at once engage in the work of his profession, but from this he was diverted for a time. The year following his arrival here he joined an expedition to Mexico, afterward engaged in mining in Sonora and remained there for fifteen years. After the French retired from Mexico, in 1866, Mr. Narjot came back to San Francisco, opened a studio and has since given his attention to the interests of his profession. He devotes much time to portrait work, figures and genre. In 1891, after an absence of twenty-five years, he made a tour through Mexico, and while there received a number of commissions for portraits and landscapes. He has sent several fine paintings for the art exhibition in Minneapolis, and many of his pieces have attracted much attention and received favorable criticism from distinguished artists.

      Mr. Narjot was married in Sonora, and has three children. His son, a machinist, has taken a patent for a gas engine which is built by the firm of E. Narjot Co., San Francisco; one daughter is married and lives in Sonora; the other is engaged in teaching in this city.

      His studio is located at 621 Clay street, San Francisco.


Transcribed by Donna L. Becker.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 456, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Donna L. Becker.




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