Jacob Mueller


Jacob Mueller, manufacturer of and dealer in saddles, saddle-ware and harness, No. 1259 San Pablo avenue, Oakland, was born in Lochningen, Schaffhausen, Switzerland, August 9, 1850.  His parents were Casper and Agnes (Bollinger) Mueller, both natives of the same country, and are now deceased.  They have six children, Jacob being the youngest.


He came to America in 1872, and worked at his trade in St. Joseph, Missouri, and Denver, Colorado, two years, and in 1874 came to California.  On his aarival in the Golden State he first followed his trade as a journeyman at Merced for a few months, and then was engaged in the trade in Oakland until 1879, when he established himself in the business, which he is still conducting.


He was naturalized in 1878.  Politically he is a Republican, and he is active in local affaires.  Socially he affiliates with the Odd Fellows, Lodge No. 198, Golden Rule Encampment, No. 34, and Canton Camp, No 11.  He has passed all the chairs in the subordinate lodge, and has been District Deputy in the encampment.


He was married, in San Francisco, February 27, 1879, to Miss Emily Kirchhofer, a native of Switzerland, and they have four children, namely Alice, Nellie, Emily and Louisa.



Transcribed Karen L. Pratt.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 572-573, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Karen L. Pratt.


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