San Francisco County






FRANK MORTON, Principal of the Boys’ High School, San Francisco, was born in Andover, Massachusetts, August 3, 1857. His father, Rufus S. Morton, is of the same branch of the Morton family as the late Oliver P. Morton, the war Governor of Indiana and prominent United States Senator, and Levi P. Morton, Vice-President of the United States. His mother’s maiden name was Maria Curtis, and she was of the Symonds family, one of her forefathers being the first Lieutenant-Governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony. Mr. Morton attended school in his native town of Andover, and completed his educational course at Dartmouth College, graduating in 1880. He then engaged in teaching in New England until 1882, when he came to California to continue the same work. He spent four years in Hollister and San Juan, and one year at Los Angeles, where he was engaged on the State Arithmetic. Then he came to this city, was appointed assistant teacher in the Boys’ High School and filled that position acceptably until May, 1888, when he was appointed principal, before he was yet thirty-one years old, and since then has held this responsible position.

      Mr. Morton is thoroughly in earnest in his educational work. Under his efficient management the enrollment of pupils has been increased from 329 to over 500, and he has twelve teachers as assistants. Though it is the “Boys’ High School,” both boys and girls are in attendance, the latter being here to pursue the classical and Latin-scientific courses of study. The graduates of the Boys’ High School are admitted to the State University without examination, and indeed to all universities in the United States where this plan is in vogue. Under the able supervision of Mr. Morton the school has reached a deservedly high standard, and is so regarded by the most efficient educators in the State.

Transcribed by Donna L. Becker. 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 463, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Donna L. Becker.




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