San Francisco County





J. M. Morton, shipping commissioner at San Francisco, is a native of the State of Indiana, and is a native of the State of Indiana, and was born in 1846.  His father, the Hon. Oliver P. Morton, was well known throughout the country as the distinguished war Governor of Indiana, United States Senator, and one of the leading statesmen of his time.  His mother’s maiden name was Lucinda M. Burbank.  Our subject received his preparatory education in his native State, and attended the Northwestern University and the Miami University at Oxford, Ohio.  Coming to the Pacific coast in 1870, he was connected with the Alaska Commercial Company, and went to Alaska every year for some years, in his capacity as agent.  He was also engaged in viticulture in Napa valley for some years, and still owns vineyard interests there.  In 1880 Mr. Morton received the appointment of Surveyor of Customs and filled that position for six years, and was appointed to his present position of shipping commissioner in 1889.


Mr. Morton married Miss Harriet M. Brown, of Washington, District of Columbia, a daughter of Hon. S. P. Brown, Naval Agent during the war, and Commissioner of Public Works of the District of Columbia during Grant’s administration.  Mr. and Mrs. Morton have two children, one son, Oliver P. (named for his distinguished grandfather), and one daughter, Hattie M.  In the office of the commissioner is an excellent portrait of Governor Morton, painted by his little daughter when only twelve years of age, without instruction, and is a remarkable production.  She has since developed unusual taste for art and is making rapid progress in her studies.


Transcribed by Donna L. Becker 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, pages 120-121, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Donna L. Becker.



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