San Francisco County







 A. MORGENTHAL, attorney at law, San Francisco.—The position which this gentleman holds at the bar is due entirely to his own industry and talent.  He is self-made, and the credit of his position is actually heightened by this fact.  He came here a stranger, and solely by pluck and energy has he risen, and many there are who in his profession are well aided in their efforts and yet far from enjoying his success.  Of course he possessed the central ground-work of ability, for without it all other efforts toward a law practice would have been without result.

   Born in Germany, the better prospects in this land of opportunity led to his coming to the United States.  He spent some time in St. Louis, Missouri, attending a commercial college, learning telegraphy among other studies, and for a time he was operator at Omaha, for the Union Pacific Railroad Company.  In 1876 he arrived in San Francisco.  He succeeded rapidly in acquiring a correct knowledge and pronunciation of the English language.  In 1877 he began his law studies at Hastings College, and advanced rapidly.  In 1879 he was admitted to the bar by the Supreme Court, and since then has been actively engaged.  He now has an excellent general practice, which is due entirely to his energy and ability.  He is tireless in behalf of the interests of his clients, painstaking and thorough.  He possesses indeed a worthy ambition to make a bright mark as a lawyer, and he esteems no work too difficult or laborious to attain this end.  He therefore does not divide his energies with other interest, but he is genial and companionable.


Transcribed by Cathi Skyles.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, page 302, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Cathi Skyles.




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