Thomas Morffew, D.D.S., whose office is at No. 8 Montgomery street, San Francisco, has been a resident of California since 1872, and has been engaged in dental practice since 1865. He was born in London, England, in 1847, and received his education in the national model schools of Australia, where his parents removed in his early childhood. At the age of seventeen he entered the dental profession, in a dental laboratory in Melbourne, where he remained until 1872, when he came to California. Here he continued in his profession, in both its mechanical and operating branches. In 1874 he entered the medical department of the University of California, where he remained during the years 1874-5, at the same time keeping up his connection in the dental profession. In 1882 he entered the dental department of the same university, and graduated at that institution in the same year, receiving his Doctor of Dental Surgery. He has continued in the active practice of his profession since that time. 

Dr. Morffew was the first president of the Alumni of the dental department of the University of California, and also vice-president of the California State Odontological Society. He was twice appointed by the Governor of California as a member of the California Board of Dental Examiners; was elected by the members of that board as its president; was for six years secretary of the San Francisco Dental Association; was elected by the members of that association as its president; is a member of the California State Dental Association, is one of its trustees, and president of the association. 

Transcribed by Donna L. Becker 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 534-535, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Donna L. Becker.


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